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Artstarts - Artist in the Classroom (Stop Motion Animation)

Recently, Hume Elementary Students concluded an Artstarts Artist in the Classroom project involving an introduction to Stop Motion Animation.  In total, 8 out of the 10 classes in the school worked with Artist, Brian Lye, a local filmmaker, artist, and arts educator living in Nelson, BC.  Brian completed three sessions in each of the classrooms.  During these sessions, students were introduced to the foundational skills of creating a stop-motion film, including various techniques they could utilize to enhance the products they created.  In just three short sessions it was exciting to watch the students take what they had learned and apply it to creative final products.  Skills focused on critical thinking, collaboration, experimentation, and creativity emerged beautifully in the student projects.

A thank you to Artstarts for the opportunity, our Hume Parent Advisory Committee for their financial support, and Brian Lye for bringing his knowledge and excitement to the Hume students.  


Sacha Kalabis