Principals Message: October 14th, 2024

Good day, Hume Elementary School Community.
Hope this finds all our families over the long weekend. What a beautiful weekend and fall we have been having. I hope everyone had an opportunity to reflect on all that we have to be grateful for.
As the cooler weather approaches, please remember to label your child’s clothing. It is staggering the amount for clothing articles that are left outside or left unclaimed. We hang any lost and found items in the front entrance mud room. Please swing by to see if any of the items are from your families. At each of the school vacation periods, unclaimed items are bagged and dropped off a Positive Apparel.
On Wednesday, October 16, and Thursday, October 17, we will have our Early Dismissal days. On these days students will be dismissed at 1:30 pm (1 hour earlier), with district buses running to accommodate the early dismissal. Cornerstone will also be in operation at this time. The Hume teachers will be hosting an open house from 1:30-3:00 pm, approximately. Teachers would like to invite families in to see the school, and their child’s classroom, and to share in some of the learning your child(ren) has been engaged in.
Book Fair
During the early dismissal days there will also be our annual book fair happening in the school library. Please swing by as you come into the school with your child(ren).
Dates and Times:
- Wednesday, October 16th (Early Dismissal Day) from 1:30 to 4:30 pm
- Thursday, October 17th (Early Dismissal Day) from 1:30 to 4:30 pm
- Friday, October 18th 2:30 to 3:00 pm
Parent Advisory Committee
On October 16th the Parent Advisory Committee will have some tea and snacks available, likely in Rm. 212. Please swing on by for a treat and a visit with one of your PAC reps. Find out more about the PAC and ways our amazing parents can be involved in the school.
We look forward to welcoming parents along with their children into the classroom. Entrance will be through the main front doors of the school. We ask for everyone’s ongoing diligence in ensuring they are not sick or symptomatic and remain home if sick.
Parent Advisory Committee
The PAC is always open to new membership. We have a highly skilled and passionate parent group. Please reach out to your PAC if you are keen to have a voice in the school and be a part of many value added initiatives. There is room to be involved in both big and small ways. Please contact Hume Elementary PAC if you are interested in participating or want to know more.
X-Country Running
On Friday, October 18th we will be having the Elementary School X-Country Running Race. This event brings together schools from across the Nelson Side of the district and will have over 300 elementary participants from grades 2 to 6. A wonderful event celebrating fun, resilience, friendly competition and pushing our limits. Come out and cheer on the runners! Thank you to Mr. Chirico and the athletic directors from each of the schools for the planning and logistics. Thank you to all of our parent volunteers as well.
Halloween Reminder
Halloween is coming and we know that many students will arrive at school in wild, imaginative, and creative costumes! This marks an important time to re-visit our expectations as a school regarding what kind of costumes may be worn at school. All costumes must:
- Be respectful of race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, physical or mental ability, sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression
- Cover the body appropriately
- Not include guns, knives, or other weapons (including play weapons)
- Not include blood and gore
- Not advertise or promote drugs, alcohol, tobacco, pornography, or intimidation
Important dates and details for the week ahead and beyond…
- SD8 & Hume Elementary School calendar - Calendar | Hume Elementary School
Oct 14 Thanksgiving Day
Oct 16 Restaurants for Change
Oct 16-17 Early Dismissal Day (1 hour early)
Oct 16-18 Book Fair
Wednesday, October 16th (Early Dismissal Day) from 1:30 to 4:30 pm
Thursday, October 17th (Early Dismissal Day) from 1:30 to 4:30 pm
Friday, October 18th 2:30 to 3:00 pm
Oct 17 Great BC Shakeout – at 10:00 am
Oct 18 Cross-country district elementary run
Oct 21 School Assembly 10:50
Oct 21-25 Halloween for Hunger – deliver fliers!
Oct 22nd PAC Meeting – Library 6:30 pm
Oct 23rd Fire Drill #1 – 10:00 am
Oct 23 Art Cards completed please
Oct 23 Take me Outside Day
Oct 25 PSA Day/Pro-D Day
Oct 25 Art Cards completed – hard deadline
Oct 29 Retake Day
Oct 31 Costume Parade and Pick-up Donations
Nov 1 Fire Drill #2 – 11:30 am
Nov 6 Indigenous Veterans Day
Nov 8 Remembrance Day School Assembly (9:00 am)
Nov 11 Remembrance Day
Nov 13th World Kindness Day
Nov 22nd FSA Collaborative Marking Day Registration
Nov 22nd PAC Movie Night (tentative)
Nov 25th Formal Written
Nov 27th Elementary Formal Report goes home
Nov. 27th Hold and Secure and Lock Down drills – 9:45-10:10 am
Note: If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call. The Hume School Website continues to be a great place to get more information on the school, see our calendar and receive updates on school celebrations, principal messages, and announcements. The Schoolkit Hub App is an easily installed app for phones (android or iphone) to receive updates.
District Weekly Bulletin Families Edition
Family Engagement Sessions webpage (virtual)
Mental Health in Schools: EASE at home, EASE Anxiety, Foundry, Open Parachute, PreVenture Virtual October 24, 2024, 6 – 7pm PST Introduction to social and emotional learning and strategies and resources for mental wellness.
Family Engagement Night Recordings We will record Family Engagement Night sessions when we can. All information regarding Family Engagement Nights as well as recordings can be found here: |
Interesting Parenting Article
Help Your Child Be a Kind Friend
- Updated Interior Health – Healthy Schools Newsletter here
- School Fees due please.
Key Health Measures
Please keep your child home if they are exhibiting symptoms (congestion, runny nose, cough, sneezing…) that may lead to a high level of transmission of communicable disease. We want to keep the student population and all our families as healthy as possible throughout the school year. We know how impactful it is for our families when students need to stay home. Let’s all work together to keep this number as low as possible.
Take care, everyone!
Sacha Kalabis
Principal Hume Elementary School
Hume Elementary
310 Nelson Avenue
Nelson, BC V1L 2M8
250 352 3186 (office)
250 825 2037 (Sacha)