Principal Message: September 18th

Good day, Hume Elementary School Community.
Great to see your kids over the last couple of weeks. So many smiles and positive interactions throughout the classrooms and school. We have approximately 230 students registered this year with 38 new kindergarten students joining us. We have had many new students join the school from within the district and the Philippines. Nice to see Hume's numbers so healthy.
Many of the classes have made their first annual trip out to Kokanee to engage with some outdoor learning, play, and knowledge-building around the extraordinary lifecycle of the Kokanee Salmon. The grade 4/5 classes will be headed out to Kokanee this Wednesday, September 20th for the annual Forestry Day. The kindergarten students will be headed out to Kokanee early next week.
On September 21st, the whole school will be marking the tremendous achievements of Terry Fox and the Terry Fox Foundation. We will have a school-wide assembly at 10:50 a.m., followed by a run/walk through the community. Please have your child(ren) bring a small donation (loonie or toonie) to the school up until September 21stth, as we aim as a school to raise $500.00 toward this amazing foundation. The senior students are busy collecting money from classes, tallying the total, and marking our poster in the hall of our progress.
The whole school will transition into some deeper learning into Orange Shirt Day throughout the week of September 25th as well along with the significant learning marked by the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation on September 30th with the STAT holiday falling on October 2nd. Hume staff and students are invited to wear orange throughout the week. We will have a school-wide assembly on Friday, September 29th to highlight the beautiful message of “Every Child Matters” and the deep history that marks this journey together. All staff and students are asked to wear orange on Oct. 3rd. If you have some older shirts (smaller) at home, please have your child bring them to the classroom teacher or front office for re-distribution out to other students.
Finally, a big thank you to all the efforts of the outdoor classroom committee as they worked to fundraise, coordinate, and work through the logistics of the outdoor classroom. There are many folks to thank specifically within the outdoor committee, the community of Hume, family donors, and community businesses that donated substantially to the project. A beautiful outdoor space that will stand for the next 100 years of the building’s history, while providing a covered space for learning, play, and enjoyment in all weather conditions. Seating and staining for the structure are the next steps that we will be looking for support in from our parent community. See the attached photo capturing one of Mr. Nugent’s music classes making use of the space while learning the djembe.
Enjoy the beautiful fall weather, that is September!
Important dates and details for the week ahead and beyond…
- SD8 & Hume Elementary School calendar - Calendar | Hume Elementary School
- September 21st – Hume School Terry Fox Run and Assembly
- September 22nd – School Planning Day (No School)
- September 29th: Orange Shirt Day and National Day of Truth and Reconciliation
- September 30th – National Day of Truth and Reconciliation
- October 2nd – National Day of Truth and Reconciliation (STAT) – No School
- October 9th – Thanksgiving Day
- October 20th – Professional Development Day (Provincial)
Watch for emails and Class Dojo posts from Classroom Teachers regarding upcoming outings, consent forms, and permission forms.
- Updated Hume Elementary Staff List - School Staff | Hume Elementary School – Please join me in welcoming all of our Teachers and Support Staff who we are very fortunate to now have at Hume.
- If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call. The Hume School Website continues to be a great place to get more information on the school, see our calendar and receive updates on school celebrations, principal messages, and announcements. The Schoolkit Hub App is an easily installed app for phones (android or iphone) to also receive updates.
Learning opportunities for families… (links will be provided as opportunities arise).
- Updated Interior Health – Healthy Schools Newsletter here
Key Health Measures
- Please keep your child home if they are exhibiting symptoms (congestion, runny nose, cough, sneezing…) that may lead to a high level of transmission of communicable disease. We want to keep the student population and all our families as healthy as possible throughout the school year. We know how impactful it is for our families when students need to stay home. Let’s all work together to keep this number as low as possible.
Take care, everyone!
Sacha Kalabis
Principal Hume Elementary School
Hume Elementary
310 Nelson Avenue
Nelson, BC V1L 2M8
250 352 3186 (office)
250 825 2037 (Sacha)